eknowledge SAT/ACT Donation Project
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HSLDA Members Comments
Showing Affiliate Featured 5452

Cecilia Zabka says:
2015-08-03 12:58:53

Looks like a great program. Can't wait for my daughter to get started!

Dianna Wotherspoon says:
2015-07-13 13:17:10

Thank You!

Jeffrey White says:
2015-07-12 20:11:24

Thank you so much for helping us purchase this software.

Stephanie Ledbetter says:
2015-07-04 14:25:15

Thank you for your sponsorship. God Bless.

Patrick Sobolik says:
2015-06-25 21:38:23


Sharon Voth says:
2015-06-08 12:53:58

Thank you for underwriting these study materials! We appreciate your contribution to our students success!

Angela Weir says:
2015-06-05 11:32:37

Thank you!

Heather Hanna says:
2015-05-21 12:12:29

Thank you so much!

Diane Guy says:
2015-05-07 16:58:46

Thank you! This is just what my daughter needed.

WT Ellingson says:
2015-05-01 12:04:02

Thank you so much! If this is only 25% as good as it sounds it will be awesome.

Amy Sutton says:
2015-04-29 11:44:55

Thank you so much for having the faith to support my child, our future!

Matt Barden says:
2015-04-03 16:56:41

I'm using this program to prepare for my ACT as I'm getting ready to go to college and I thank you that you've made this resource free to people like me. Thanks!

Claire Grasso says:
2015-04-01 17:51:43

Thank you very much!

Vivian Strain says:
2015-03-27 13:48:04

Thank you very much for helping with the cost of this program. It is a huge blessing for my son and me. I am confident it will help him do much better on the ACT.Blessings,David and Vivian

Michael Secen says:
2015-03-20 16:13:38

Thank you for your generous gift of learning. Your gift will provide a tremendous opportunity to excel at the SAT and ACT and so be able to attend college.

Jeff Mallory says:
2015-03-18 07:04:27

Our family says thank you!!

Diane McBride says:
2015-03-12 07:37:00

Thank you!

Kathleen McDaniel says:
2015-03-08 23:22:21

Thanks so much! Couldn't do this without your support!

David Moseley says:
2015-03-07 19:36:22

Thank You for your support!

Krista Doman says:
2015-02-25 19:48:33

Thank you so much! My son has been struggling with a portion of this test, and I am hopeful this resource will be just what he needs. This is a wonderful offer, Thanks Again!

Vickie Blaisure says:
2015-02-06 00:15:40

Thank you so much. We appreciate this.

Chris Bishoff says:
2015-02-05 16:04:08

Thank you to the sponsors for making this program available to serious students who need help with the college opportunity.

Susan Norris says:
2015-01-31 17:09:18

Thanks for the support!!

Katherine Shealy says:
2015-01-28 07:27:17

Thank you

Donna Griffith says:
2015-01-24 13:44:40

Thank you so much for investing in the education of the children of this country. You are providing them with a great study tool!

Lisa Rice says:
2015-01-20 20:26:49

Thank you so much for your generosity ! We will make good use of it. The Rice family

Connie Stetler says:
2015-01-19 15:06:09

Thank you so much for your generous donation!!

Kathleen Gremillion says:
2015-01-14 12:12:12

Thank you!!!!!!

Kyra Anderson says:
2015-01-13 14:33:37

Thank you for your generosity! We appreciate your kindness!

Amy Heffner says:
2015-01-13 08:47:37

This is an awesome opportunity! Thank you so much! Keep up the good work.

Mary SULLIVAN says:
2015-01-12 15:33:48

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!

Debbra Stottlemyer says:
2015-01-12 11:47:05

Thank you so much for helping my children!

Philip Quinan says:
2015-01-10 16:03:01

Fantastic! Thank you for your support of out youth!

Shona Mullins says:
2014-11-25 09:08:10

Thank you for your partnership with eknowledge.

Heather Disselkoen says:
2014-10-16 11:01:56

So thankful to you all.

Brenda Ford says:
2014-10-12 20:42:17

The ordering process was very easy! Thank you so much for offering this incredible product!

Alicia Miller says:
2014-10-10 07:59:44

Thank you for offering this great program to advance learning! Our whole family appreciates you!

Paul Gerardi says:
2014-10-06 18:07:59

Thanks so much. My kids will be well prepared because of your sponsorship.

James Balfour says:
2014-10-03 08:37:10

Thank you sooo much!!!

Donna Calk says:
2014-09-30 16:55:24


Melanie O'Keefe says:
2014-09-22 11:15:50

Thank you very much for making this ACT test preparation resource available at a price we could afford.

Margaret Swager says:
2014-09-16 16:45:40

Thank you so much for investing in me and my education!! I am truly grateful!!

Veronica Wallace says:
2014-09-11 16:10:18

Looking forward to receiving and using the program.

Charlotte Bell says:
2014-09-09 04:38:49

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Paul Nord says:
2014-09-08 15:58:18

Wow. What a great opportunity. Thank you for your support!

SuLyn Wine says:
2014-09-05 08:51:47

Thank you! This will really help my kids study for the ACT.

Charlotte Hoerr says:
2014-09-03 14:32:53

Thank you so so much.

Connie Otten says:
2014-08-29 09:53:43

Thank you very much!!

George Huff says:
2014-08-28 17:09:22

I am very glad that this service is being granted to student who cannot pay for any ACT training. Thank You.

Marcia Gimmarro says:
2014-08-28 14:37:27


Justine Kresl says:
2014-08-17 17:39:31

Thank you for investing in our future!!

Jean Bisson says:
2014-08-12 18:14:56

Thank you for providing materials to help me be successful on the ACT. I look forward to doing my best on the test and my future college studies.Thank you investing in my future.Serena

J Reinke says:
2014-08-05 14:46:33

Thank you so much! Looking forward to using this program.

Sandra Vos says:
2014-07-11 21:04:24

Thank you so much for investing in our children.

Rebecca Cotter says:
2014-06-24 11:01:31

Thank you! I appreciate your investment in us. God bless you.

Laura M Paredes says:
2014-06-23 08:20:23

Thank you SO much for the opportunity to help my son improve his SAT scores! You are all blessings from God!

Amy Chabotte says:
2014-06-19 10:07:59

thank you!

Stephanie Rankin says:
2014-06-17 07:26:27

Thank you for your generosity. may God bless you!

Nancy Whipple says:
2014-06-13 19:48:22

Thank you for your investment in the education and success of our youth!

Scott Stephenson says:
2014-06-10 19:00:21

Thank You for giving the gift of learning to all!

Karey Akers says:
2014-06-09 06:07:01

Thanks for making this possible!

Lisa McFerrin says:
2014-06-08 20:26:36

Thanks this will help me tremendously in preparing for the ACT test.

Danielle Sharp says:
2014-06-06 06:57:55

Everything was great. Thank you for sponsoring this program for kids to have the opportunity to do their best. God bless you for your generosity!!!

Danielle Sharp says:
2014-06-06 06:50:23

Thank you so much for your sponsorship of the eKnowledge SAT/ACT project. We are blessed by the opportunity to help our kids do their best. Bless you all!!

Rebecca van Baale says:
2014-06-04 17:49:33

Thank you! What a great opportunity!

Mary Nelson says:
2014-06-04 13:25:40

Thank you so much for your generosity! It is greatly appreciated!

Sarah Furia says:
2014-06-04 09:38:31

Thank you. This looks like a good program, and I hope it will prepare my duaghter for her tests this year.

P Genhi Hawes says:
2014-06-04 08:32:19

Thanks for helping me get ready for SATs. I am excited to prove myself and head to college.

Lisa Huth says:
2014-06-04 07:47:17

Thank you! This is a tremendous blessing to our family.

Bob Price says:
2014-05-31 18:06:44

Thank you for helping our kids!!!

Paige Nelson says:
2014-05-08 19:46:48

Thank you for supporting this program! It is a great resource to encourage success in our children!

Moriah Moberg says:
2014-05-03 13:58:37

Thank you so much for your generosity and for helping the next generation to test well!

Angela Dittman says:
2014-04-29 10:43:48

Thank you so much!!!!

Michelle Cavanaugh says:
2014-04-15 18:53:46

Thank you! We will use our brain wisely

Cindy Gilmer says:
2014-03-28 20:11:52

Thanks for your support!

Lynette Schossau says:
2014-03-19 11:33:28

Thank you!!

brandy barnett says:
2014-03-11 07:33:14

thank you!

Tracy Broadhurst says:
2014-02-26 09:57:40

Appreciate the opportunity to examine the information.

Vanessa Ventura says:
2014-02-26 06:06:59

Thank you!

Renae Damman says:
2014-02-17 12:06:29

Thank You!!!

Greg Krips says:
2014-02-15 17:54:39

Thank you for your help

Sheila Livesay says:
2014-02-10 17:41:21

Thank you so much for offering this opportunity!!

Susan Lange says:
2014-01-28 05:41:38

Thank you so, so much for sponsoring this project. We would not be able to do this without your help. God bless you!!!

Erica Beyea says:
2014-01-21 08:59:10

Thank you so much for your generous contribution! It is a real blessing and help to our family.

Julie Wikarski says:
2014-01-11 07:56:14

Bless you all for your generous contribution!

Lorrie Bevins says:
2014-01-09 11:01:15

Thank You so much. May God richly bless you for your generosity.

Michelle Robinson says:
2014-01-03 07:38:48

Thank you so very much for your willingness to help students have a brighter future!

Mark Livingston says:
2013-12-28 22:06:54

Thanks so much! This may be the study tool that helps me get a scholarship!!~ Hannah

Stacey Logue says:
2013-12-08 00:47:04

Just want to say thank you so very much. This would be out of our reach if it weren't for your generosity! I know this will build my daughter's confidence. Thank you again!

JOHN says:
2013-11-23 12:45:06

Thank you so much for your generosity in sponsoring this SAT/ACT Prep DVD. I look forward to using it and improving my ACT score.

Tracie Dunn says:
2013-11-14 15:26:02

Thank you!!!!

Sally Boerman says:
2013-11-08 11:40:28

Thank you!

Nancy Ludlow says:
2013-11-06 09:53:01

Thank you so much for making an affordable study aid with such excellent quality. Know that you are very appreciated!!!

Leslie Holsten says:
2013-11-05 16:05:53

Thank you, sponsors, for your generosity! We look forward to receiving and using your materials in our preparation for the ACT.

2013-10-26 18:16:19

No complaints about website. Thank you for sponsoring eKnowledge!

Cindy Ingalls says:
2013-10-21 19:27:08

Thank You!

Dana Phillips says:
2013-10-21 09:56:36

Thank you so much for your generosity!!!

Valarie Peterson says:
2013-10-14 13:59:51

Thank you for helping to make it affordable for our daughter to prepare for her upcoming tests. We are hoping that it will help her earn some scholarships so she can attend college. We appreciate your generosity!

Anne Sefton says:
2013-10-11 05:11:16

Thanks so much! This is a real blessing!

Shane Drake says:
2013-10-08 14:11:15

Thank you for giving me the chance to get the education I need.

Ted Mowrer says:
2013-10-03 10:21:48

Thank you so much for sponsoring this to make it available to me. Without your help I probably would not have been able to take advantage of this program.

Julie Zenger says:
2013-10-02 07:35:53

Thank you so much for making it possible for us to get such great study materials for our teen. We are excited to see him excel as he studies. Your generosity is truly making a difference!Julie Zenger

Sylvia Gonzales says:
2013-10-01 20:30:20

Thank you so much for your generous support of education!

Kathy Stockdale says:
2013-10-01 05:15:43

My son really needs this help. Thank you, Pros. You have made another smart move.

Cindy Smith says:
2013-09-30 10:20:19

Thank You very much!!!

Gregg McKenzie says:
2013-09-28 08:06:11

This is awesome! Thanks so much.

Sarah Do says:
2013-09-25 20:53:06

This is an AWESOME gift and it is much APPRECIATED!! Thank you so much!

Mark Wallace says:
2013-09-25 09:21:23

Thank you so much for your generosity!

Dave Lavin says:
2013-09-22 08:51:21

Thanks for the program. Looking forward to successful results for my son.

Mary Young says:
2013-09-21 12:28:53

Thank you all for this opportunity for my daughter to be better prepared for the SAT/ACT exams!

Terri Bartlett says:
2013-09-18 14:39:24

Thank you so much for this great opportunity!

Deborah Ishiyama says:
2013-09-18 11:44:24

Thank you very much for supporting academic excellence and in this way being great role models in what you support and promote.

Mary E Taylor says:
2013-09-18 08:53:56

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to receive this package for the cost of the student fee. It truly means so much to those who are struggling financially, especially when you have a bright child who deserves opportunities that we cannot afford. Thank you so much!!!

Tammy Sinquefield says:
2013-09-16 05:39:49

I think it's awesome that people that have been blessed with material wealth are helping others with it.

Kimberly Abram says:
2013-09-13 16:29:07


Deborah Macaulay says:
2013-09-13 00:50:54

Thank you, but can't think of a thing. Ordering was fast and efficient.

Mary Heindel says:
2013-09-12 04:25:23

Thanks so much! This will help me in preparing our son for his future! :)

Cindy McKelvey says:
2013-09-11 16:28:57

Thank you very much for your generosity!

Ruth Bantelman says:
2013-09-11 09:16:25

Thank you so much!!!God bless you!

Debbie Nystrom says:
2013-09-10 15:04:08

Thank you so much for the help in getting my teen ready for the ACT testing procedure. It is greatly appreciated.Homeschool Mom

Anthony Zahm says:
2013-09-10 13:00:57

This is a fantastic program! We are so grateful to eKnowledge and the NFL players who have contributed. Thank you so much!

Beverly Martin says:
2013-09-10 08:44:37

Thank you so much for making this material available for my homeschooled students! It will make their preparation for the SAT and ACT much easier

David Andrew says:
2013-09-10 07:27:13

This is to help my grandson Cody. By raising his ACT scores just 2 points, he will be eligible for a $10,000 scholarship to the university of his dreams. We cannot afford for him not to get the scholarship. Pray for him and thank you.

DeAnna Black says:
2013-09-09 12:05:02

Thank you very much. This is a brand new and exciting opportunity for us. So eager to receive the product and begin. Thank you for your generosity.

Barbara Bobo says:
2013-09-09 11:40:04

good job

Camille Hamlin says:
2013-09-09 10:18:18

Thank you so much for helping to make this program available to my kids. Blessings to you for giving to others!:) Camille

David Clarke says:
2013-09-08 10:08:15

THANK YOU! ... and God Bless!

Dayna Whitlock says:
2013-09-08 08:05:12

On behalf of our three remaining high-school-age children, my husband and I thank you for your generosity. We're especially grateful for the internet cloud option, as we are currently living overseas. This is a blessing!

Andrea Bikfalvy says:
2013-09-07 11:40:13

Thank you so much. I'm a single mom who home educates, so money is tight (as you can imagine). I am looking forward to using this program with my son.

Sharlene Waswick says:
2013-09-06 11:41:32

Thank you so much! I now have a great way to study and feel prepared for my upcoming ACT. :D

Kathleen Medarac says:
2013-09-05 21:03:19

Thank you

Rhonda A Nice says:
2013-09-05 04:24:07

Thank you so much for this wonderful gift!

Michele Belveal says:
2013-09-04 18:48:41

Thank you for helping ease the financial investment we have made in our children. AESD4367

Kathryn Brammer says:
2013-09-04 13:29:23

Thank you!

Dixie Parks says:
2013-09-04 11:29:56

We would like to sincerely thank the HSLDA for their sponsorship of this program! It fulfills a great need in the homeschool community and provides resources we would not have otherwise. Thank you so much!

Heather Marshall says:
2013-09-04 09:30:34

Thank you for making education a priority and for making SAT preparation affordable.

Teresa Clark says:
2013-09-03 17:59:28

Thank you so much for this resource! I have three children in high school and I look for this to be very helpful to them in preparing for their futures!

James Huff says:
2013-09-03 16:45:55

Our thanks to all of your sponsorship and support towards the education of our children.

Saralee Czajkowski says:
2013-09-03 12:25:03

Thanks SO much!!

Nancy Blackwood says:
2013-09-03 09:38:55

Thank you very much for your sponsorship!

Lisa Wilcox says:
2013-09-03 09:09:00

Thank you for supplying this program for our school seniors. I cant wait for my daughter to use it and increase her scores!

Jill Moloney says:
2013-09-03 08:08:20

Thank you! Excited to receive my scores.

Lori Behrman says:
2013-09-03 04:55:26

Thank you for this blessing! It is very much appreciated!

Beth Lyons says:
2013-09-02 18:25:16


Molly Loup says:
2013-09-02 16:51:29

Thank you so much for your generosity.

Christine Findley says:
2013-09-02 16:00:29

Thank you!

Matthew Hamilton says:
2013-09-02 09:54:59

Thank you so much for your contribution. I am hoping to qualify for a scholarship. Thank you again.

Tracy Foster says:
2013-09-02 08:34:44

This was very easy and it is very appreciated.

Heather Nance says:
2013-09-02 07:36:38

I thank you for the sponsorship! My daughter would not have been able to take an SAT/ACT course otherwise... You made it possible for her.

Kim Sauer says:
2013-09-02 06:10:18

Thank you so much for your generosity. We are looking forward to blowing away the SAT!

Erbee Bruno says:
2013-09-01 21:11:23

Thank you so much for your generous contribution for the future of our youth!

Sharon Pearson says:
2013-09-01 19:50:47

Thanks so much for making this available to students and families! Your generosity is greatly appreciated!!

Bobbie Stilwell says:
2013-09-01 14:16:49

Thank you,

Melanie Poulos says:
2013-09-01 11:13:07

Thank you so much!! My son recently asked me for a test prep program. He wants to major in a math field. He felt that a test prep program would compliment his hard work in academics. This sponsorship allowed me to order a program that was worth $600 for $85. I really appreciate the discount since we are a military family.I know that my son will make use of this program. He is already allotting time from his schedule to work on this course each day. Thank you again. Best Wishes, Melanie

Lisa La says:
2013-09-01 10:18:13

Thank you!

Jill Ferry says:
2013-09-01 09:27:06

Thank you for this. We were looking for a program to help our 16 year old be successful on the ACT exam.

Tracy Apple says:
2013-09-01 07:01:29

Thank you!!!!

Shari Jusczak says:
2013-09-01 03:21:10

Thank you so much for making this possible!

Arlene Hardman says:
2013-08-31 19:54:15

Thanks so much for your generosity! In these tight times, this definitely helps.

Willow Moran says:
2013-08-31 14:12:19

Thank you so much! This is fantastic!

Lisa Turgeon says:
2013-08-31 11:57:33

Thank You. My husband lost his job last September and it took him 6 months to find work for much less money. Our son is doing his Junior level work and very much needed help to study for the ACT test. Thank you for your help indoing this!

Paul Kodur says:
2013-08-31 11:28:06

Very smooth transaction and the explanations of the product is clear.BlessingsPaul

Kathy Scroggins says:
2013-08-31 10:18:03

Thank you for your sponsorship of this program. We really appreciate your help! The classes look like they will be very helpful to my son as he prepares for the SAT.

Rosalie Guinn says:
2013-08-31 08:10:56

Thank You!

Angela Greene says:
2013-08-31 06:25:58

Thank you for making a positive impact, when so many others are making such a negative one. Sincerely, A Mom

Duane Eddy says:
2013-08-31 05:29:49

A great big THANK YOU!!!!

Heather Josten says:
2013-08-30 19:54:00

This is an amazing gift to our family. Thank you.

Sheri Korte says:
2013-08-30 18:57:22

Thank you!

Jennifer Monahan says:
2013-08-30 18:04:17

Thank you for helping me meet the goals of my future!

Lizette Cloete says:
2013-08-30 17:39:55

Thank you very much for this opportunity. We appreciate your generosity and kindness. May God bless you.

Jane Bergeron says:
2013-08-19 10:15:07

Thank you so much for sponsoring my education. Your generosity is appreciated! Sincerely, Paul Bergeron

Susan Huffman says:
2013-08-13 14:25:13

Thanks so much for helping the next generation!

Laura Hassay says:
2013-08-09 09:55:35

We greatly appreciate your commitment to students who are trying to further their education. Your generosity is both a blessing and an encouragement to the communities you serve. Thank you!

Rita Hall says:
2013-07-24 20:08:18

Thanks for helping my kids reach their potential! This is AWESOME!

Beth Ebersole says:
2013-07-16 08:52:23

Thank you for providing this scholarship program.

Cindy Gunn says:
2013-07-11 11:24:54

Thank you so much for this opportunity!

Kimberly Magowan says:
2013-06-05 09:45:48

Thank you!

christina mcmillan says:
2013-05-15 16:19:04

thank you!!God bless!

Kelly Brand says:
2013-04-16 08:01:05

Thank you so much for this! We are homeschoolers, and every cent saved helps!! Oh, and GO STEELERS!

Tina Stawicki says:
2013-01-28 13:36:14

I am very thankful for the program and can't wait to see how it helps my child.

joanne godlewsky says:
2013-01-09 14:59:32

It's encouraging that sports players place such an importance on education.

Jill Lamm says:
2013-01-03 09:48:58


Deborah Widmark says:
2012-10-06 08:30:33

Thank you SO much. We appreciate your generosity. Ordering was easy.

Robert McKee says:
2012-10-03 09:58:11

Thank you very much! We really appreciate the help.

Cindy Leach says:
2012-09-25 22:30:21

I would like there to be workbooks to purchase instead of printing out if possible...

Joyce Rene Perry says:
2012-09-13 08:08:21

As a homeschooling mom, I am so grateful for this help you have provided for us. As a stay at home mom we do not have the finances to pay for tudors or classes or books to help in important areas as this. We barely can afford our regular textbooks...but God is faithful! I count this as a blessing from Him. Thank you again for being so gracious.

Joyce White says:
2012-09-06 15:27:58

Yeah! I've been looking for help for my daughter, but couldn't afford it. Thanks!

Kathy Olson says:
2012-09-03 12:08:59

This is a great deal!

Karla Roberts says:
2012-06-05 21:53:54

GREAT service. Thank you so much. I look forward to seeing my son get better SAT scores with your help.

2012-05-09 08:32:58

so far so good.

Roxane Bremenour says:
2012-05-02 19:23:07

I am very grateful for the privilege of having such a generous discount. I am sincerely thanking you! I believe this program will be a great benefit.

Sherri Clarke says:
2012-03-08 12:43:18

Thank you so much for this sponsorship program. We are very grateful for your help. It is doubtful we would have been able to use the material without it.

Crin Pullins says:
2012-02-23 06:46:42

This looks like a FANTASTIC program! I can't wait to start using it. I had a couple questions about using it with two students at one time and some other questions. I emailed and called and received prompt, helpful replies. The demo video on the website was very helpful and informative as well. THANK YOU!!!!

Renee Brace says:
2012-02-22 07:52:57

Thank you for sponsoring !

Debbie Shirey says:
2012-02-15 14:06:45

Thank you for your generosity!

Arlene Hardman says:
2012-01-18 11:39:52


Virginia Daye Sims says:
2012-01-11 09:10:04

It is a great blessing to us. Costs are growing in every aspect of raising a child. This is a big help and encouragement. Thank you.

Julie Brackin says:
2012-01-04 18:58:00

Thank you for investing in the future of our family and the United States of America.

Katherine Emmenegger says:
2012-01-03 20:59:37

Thank you very much for the opportunity to obtain this program. Through your donation, our children will get the added help they really need. With much gratitude and appreciation, Katherine, San Diego, CA

Julie Criswell says:
2011-12-28 08:16:26

This s great! thank you for encouraging young people to be all they can be.

Rena Helberg says:
2011-12-07 10:11:39

It was easy to find out what the program was for and what kind of discounts were made available by the sponsors. We thank the sponsors and eKnowledge for this wonderful opportunity to better prepare for the ACT. Thanks very much!

Sandra Aul says:
2011-09-06 21:41:19

Thank you for your sponsorship of this program.

Lucy Partain says:
2011-08-31 13:25:09

Thank you so much for such kindness.

Gweyn Kuper says:
2011-08-15 18:05:09

This seems to be an excellent opportunity! The ordering process was super easy. Time will tell if the product is a good product. Thank you to all who are making this product available!

Stephanie Kooiman says:
2011-08-02 14:55:21

This is a great experience and I will be sharing the information in my community Junior All American Football/Cheer Program & Norco High School in Norco California. Thanks

Jane Juve says:
2011-06-29 01:34:30

We are thrilled and blessed all at once to have access to this program. There is no way we could afford a preparation course, but for this sponsorship. We would like to give you our most sincere thanks for making this possible!!!!

Dawn Runge says:
2011-06-10 10:38:15

This is awesome. Thank you!

Janetta Dobson says:
2011-06-09 10:54:04

Thank you for helping to make this affordable for my child.

katherine stientjes says:
2011-05-20 12:44:45

Great! can't wait to see the products...

Ruzena Patton says:
2011-05-18 16:22:51

I'm just thankful, my daughter will have a chance to use this program. She is a uprising Senior. She took the SAT and ACT but she feel more comfortable taking the ACT but she didn't do well as she felt she could. By doing this program I pray it will give her a better chance to score a 36 on the ACT in Sept. Thanks A Concern Parent

Barbara Frost says:
2011-05-12 10:39:05

This is great! Thanks so much!!!

Kimberly Harrell says:
2011-05-05 16:19:41

Good Job!

Robert Harvey says:
2011-04-14 22:30:14

Thank you! We are really looking forward to using the material to prepare for the SAT. Your sponsorship has been a great help to us!

Sheri Gervais says:
2011-04-11 15:59:02

My son has a reading disability. He scores 680 + on Math, but 520 on the reading. He needs a 600 on the critical reading and I hope this will get him there! I will let you know.

Regina Divine says:
2011-03-25 09:17:05

This is wonderful!!!! thank you so much for offering this!

Lori Holevinski says:
2011-03-10 15:04:38

Thank you so much - this is a fantastic and invaluable offer!

Deborah Boverie says:
2011-03-04 11:41:29

What an amazing gift! Can't wait to start working with the program! It was very easy to order, and will be a huge blessing to this family which could not have afforded it otherwise. Thank you!

Annette Boehmer says:
2011-03-02 21:38:27

It is important to see sample pages when purchasing online. We look forward, with more confidence, to our June ACT. Thank you for valuing education!

Ruth Benton-Misko says:
2011-03-02 11:49:06

Thank you for your sponsorship through HSLDA. It is much appreciated by this homeschool family in keeping up with expenses. Especially for high school students when homeschooling is no longer a tax-deductible expense.

Kristi Srodowski says:
2011-03-02 04:51:50

Thank you for offering a wonderful product at a great price! It greatly helps with our homeschooling.

Jameal Brown says:
2011-03-01 12:50:18

Easy to use, great way for NFL to help the children that look up to them as role models. The site was easy to use and very helpful.

Jennifer Door says:
2011-02-23 13:12:20

Website is easy to use and works well for ordering!

Jill Gribble says:
2011-02-19 22:15:37

Thanks so much for the materials....looking foward to getting them

Tim Albert says:
2011-02-17 02:37:19

it was great, thank you very much for this tremendously helpful tool.

George Barlow says:
2011-02-16 09:38:18


Debra Winchester says:
2011-02-02 14:23:43

Thank you for helping us to save a lot of money. My son will benefit from this program and help him to have a bright future.

Betty Miller says:
2011-01-31 22:22:14

So far, so good

Alicia Mathis says:
2011-01-31 14:49:51

Thank you! I would not have had the opportunity to purchase this on my own. Alicia Mathis

Kevin Timmons says:
2011-01-24 22:50:06

Just so grateful for this great software at such an extremely low price! THANK YOU!

Bill & Jean Sargent says:
2011-01-21 19:08:52

We will let you know once we get the materials and try them!

Librada Del Prado says:
2011-01-18 15:09:04

Thank you so much for providing this offer. We are so blessed to have your help with this. God bless you abundantly!

Steven Dixon says:
2011-01-10 22:50:56

Thank you! This means so much to us and provides a valuable learning tool we couldn't have had without your sponsorship!

Kimberly Wilson says:
2011-01-04 19:34:31

Thanks so much for the sponsors.

Tina Hiebert says:
2011-01-04 13:22:23

We appreciate the opportunity you have given our family to purchase the SAT Prep at a discounted price. We know it will help our sons achieve higher SAT scores and help them with their college dreams. Thanks again for this opportunity. The Hieberts

Donna Stier says:
2010-12-13 14:24:05

Thank you for providing us these materials at such a low cost. We would not have been able to afford the SAT/ACT prep courses without the sponsorship. We have a 16 year old son who is desiring to go to college in the Fall, 2012, and a 9th grader who is already looking ahead to college. Thank you again from all of the Stiers!

Melissa Lewis says:
2010-11-04 02:30:52

This is a great opportunity for all students to get.

Suzanne Hershey says:
2010-10-13 12:57:27

Thank you so much for sponsoring this wonderful program to help our young adults prepare for higher learning. We appreciate your passion to support parents in helping our children succeed in education. Thank you!!!

Charles Tittle says:
2010-10-04 23:51:54

What a Blessing! My boys will have a future and a Hope!

Kristina Davenport says:
2010-09-28 14:10:30

I am very pleased with the process and grateful for the sponsorship. Thank you very much!

michele simpson says:
2010-09-21 11:25:31

very thankful for this, thank you!

dianne averett says:
2010-09-17 12:15:10

Thanks, easy to order/

Stephany McGinnis says:
2010-09-07 16:16:12

Thank you.

Afton Demster says:
2010-09-01 14:29:25

thank you!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Joan Bridges says:
2010-08-31 14:48:29

This is great! And we really appreciate the NFL players sponsoring a program to help us gain knowledge and better prepare us for the future.

Gary Swick says:
2010-08-24 21:21:26

Great thanks for the help.

George Walenga says:
2010-08-19 21:20:53

So far, this is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Beth Ladd says:
2010-08-14 11:38:56


Pam Ayers says:
2010-08-12 20:08:09

Thank You guys so much for this program!! I home school my daughter and it is a valuable help for this military family! Pam Ayers

Sharon Juarez says:
2010-08-10 17:55:59

Thank you so much for making it possible for our family to purchase this program at a discounted price to prepare our homeschooled students for the SAT. We are so grateful for this offer. Thank you for being so generous. Sincerely, Sharon Juarez in Charles Town, WV

Betty Lash says:
2010-08-02 21:30:47

Thank you -- this was very easy. We look forward to reviewing the materials.

Barrie Judge says:
2010-07-29 21:21:12

your website is really good! it was very easy to order the items. Thank you

Pamela Derrow says:
2010-07-24 09:43:32

Thank you for such a great program. We look forward to using the program. We appreciate this benefit.

Jennifer Pomales says:
2010-07-13 00:22:58

It was awesome - thanks for making this possible for our family.

DeWayne Britton says:
2010-07-07 13:03:05

With nine children, this is greatly appreciated and extremely helpful. Thank You.

T Denton says:
2010-07-06 12:05:13

Thank you for helping homeschoolers. We really appreciate it!

Carolyn Hall says:
2010-06-17 01:36:09

Thank you so much! I am very excited about this program

Serrell Farris says:
2010-06-11 10:12:50

Thank you for providing this amazing offer. I am very thankful that I was able to help my son through this offer. I was unable to pay full retail price due to losing my job, but know we can get them through the NFL offer. Thank you Thank you Thank you

Bradley Hansen says:
2010-06-09 19:54:40

Please thank the NFL players for their sponsorship of this program!

Marilyn Pasanen says:
2010-06-03 10:57:12

thank you

Donna Gramling says:
2010-05-19 15:48:20

Thanks for the help!

Carolyn Hogan says:
2010-05-18 22:20:55

Thanks for this opportunity. I thought everything was easy to understand and order. The detail information was very good. I cannot think of anything to make the experience better.

Loralea Kirby says:
2010-05-18 12:53:10

Wow! What an awesome way to inspire our children to raise their goals a little higher! Thank you so much for sponsoring us.

Anne Nadeau says:
2010-05-14 00:44:23

This is great. This is amazing. Thank you so much.

Satoru Ezaki says:
2010-05-04 23:40:50


Debra Gulickson says:
2010-05-01 18:54:17

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for your wonderful support!!!!!

Christine Kenyon says:
2010-04-29 08:32:07


Cecilia Cunningham says:
2010-04-28 08:14:21

I thank you for the sponsorship. The order was easy to place. It will help our son, who will be preparing to retake the SAT test in order to, hopefully, raise his score.

Karen Conway says:
2010-04-26 18:43:44

THANK YOU! We would not have been able to order this for our son without your gift as we've been unemployed for an extended period.

Rebecca Torres says:
2010-04-21 14:06:08

it was nice and easy. I am so thankful for this opportunity!

Christina Hale says:
2010-04-20 12:34:37

Your website is very thorough and intuitive. We are looking forward to using the Standard Prep material. Thank you so much!

Bonnie Horn says:
2010-04-17 17:53:16

Thank yo so much for this valuable service to my family....we greatly appreciate your generosity!

Karen Taylor says:
2010-04-12 08:26:53

My kids are excited to start studying with eKnowledge. Thanks for the sponsorship that made this opportunity possible.

Terri Whitney says:
2010-04-06 22:40:49

Looking forward to trying this prep software...Thanks for making it affordable!

Kristine Strasburger says:
2010-03-31 20:51:33

This is so cool! Thank you all so much!

Jana Robinson says:
2010-03-29 03:17:05

Thanks so much for the sponsorship! This will make my college education once step closer.

Cathy Boyd says:
2010-03-26 17:50:38

We are so happy for the opportunity to use the ACT power prep. Thank you!!

Deborah Emond says:
2010-03-23 18:35:00

Thanks! I'm really looking forward to using this with my daughter to help her do well on the SAT.

Audrey Camise says:
2010-03-23 10:37:10

I am very excited to receive these programs and amvery gratefel for the huge savings.

Janet E. Brown says:
2010-03-19 17:29:49

Wow! I think this is great! Thank you so much!

Amy Craddock says:
2010-03-18 16:09:15

I'm excited for my son to start preparing for the ACT and SAT. Thank you for preparing the materials to do well.

Kathy Scoville says:
2010-03-17 14:35:54

What a great way to encourage young people to do their best and be their best! Thank you for making this possible for my son.

Linda Smith says:
2010-03-10 08:27:30

Wow!! Thankyou for assisting in the success of the home schooled high school student

Stephanie Nicholson says:
2010-03-08 23:26:50

What a blessing to have access to study materials we would otherwise be unable to afford! Thank you so much Corey Williams and other NFL players. They will be used and used and used again! Sincerely, The Nicholson Family Texas

AmyLane Boudreau says:
2010-03-05 14:51:09

I want my teens to do well in in these ACT/SAT tests. However, I cannot afford the $200 that it would cost to purchase these prep courses.....Thank you so much for your generous gift to our family!

pat songkakul says:
2010-03-03 01:27:17

Very pleasant transaction. I'm looking forward to using your product. Thank you.

Donna Forsythe says:
2010-03-01 13:42:39

I would like to thank eKnowledge & NFL Players & HSLDA for making this possible.

George Beardsley says:
2010-02-24 16:19:14

Thank you for everything!

Wendy Tharrington says:
2010-02-22 11:46:46

I am blown away by your generosity that allowed me to order such a wonderful SAT study program saving over $200. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Kenneth Burkett says:
2010-02-18 17:39:44

Greatly appreciated!

Marietta Borinski says:
2010-02-16 13:34:49

I just want to thank the NFL for sponsoring this program for the Boy Scouts. My son just received his Star rank and we are very proud of him. He is an A student and very active in our church as well. This program will give him the confidence he will need to continue on with his studies. Thank you for supporting our next leaders. Marietta Borinski

2010-02-11 15:12:43

Would not be able to afford this without your sponsorship. Thank you so much for your generosity.

Bret Mitchell says:
2010-02-08 23:18:32

Looking out for increased test scores thanks to your concern for the next generation! Thank you!

Tammy Coalson says:
2010-02-07 02:59:29

Thank you.

Katherine Ielmini says:
2010-02-05 12:26:18

It was a great experience. A bit more information on what is included in each prep package would be helpful, otherwise, fabulous program. Thank you NFL and others for giving back to our communities. Together you are helping shape our future.

Susan Harroff says:
2010-01-30 00:02:56

Thanks, I have been looking for a way to help my homeschooled high school children prepare for the SAT & ACT. I looked into tutoring and some other programs but those options were more than we could justify spending. I found out about this program through HSLDA and can't wait to receive it and get them started. I really appreciate the NFL players & eknowledge giving back and making a better future for others in this way.

Dawn Mertz says:
2010-01-28 18:48:35

Great, perfect timing of three of my teenagers preparing right now for college entrance exams. Thanks so much! The Mertz Family from Orlando, FL. My son hopes to start at University of Central Florida this year. This will help so much.

Renee Becker says:
2010-01-23 10:49:43

I'm grateful - thank you! We're anxious to start and see how we like the program.

Anne Harrow says:
2010-01-18 20:52:01

Thank you!!!

Mary Jo Tate says:
2010-01-14 16:20:32

Thank you so much!

Trina Roberts says:
2010-01-12 16:16:13

Thank you very very much for this oppurtunity to get the SAT PowerPrep because we would have not been able to buy it for full price. Our experience was great, good website, informative of what you are buying and easy to checkout. Thank you eKnowledge & NFL Players!!!!!

DeAnna Goode says:
2015-07-22 13:03:40

Thank you tremendously for this opportunity!

Julie Noyes says:
2015-07-13 10:29:49

Wow! What a wonderful opportunity for my children! THANK YOU!

Renee Weibel says:
2015-07-06 12:24:16

We appreciate this opportunity to prepare for the SAT. Thank you for you generosity! Blessings to you!!

john hilb says:
2015-07-03 05:46:10

Thank you for your donation and helping to make an impact on the educational development of our youth.

Cathy Egbert says:
2015-06-10 07:24:52

Thank you for this wonderful gift!

Ellen Fichera says:
2015-06-06 18:44:20

Thank you for your generosity!

Jada Howell says:
2015-05-31 19:38:07

I am so appreciative of the opportunity to use this product to help my daughter prepare for some of the biggest tests of her academic career. Thank you.

Mark Wells says:
2015-05-08 13:19:14

Thank you so much! May Jesus bless you for your generosity and may He draw you close to Him.

Stephanie Williams says:
2015-05-06 14:17:22

Thank you SO much!!!

Roben Card says:
2015-04-29 15:19:30

Thank you for making this study material available for everyone who is willing to do the work.

diana littleton says:
2015-04-09 18:41:44

Great program! Thanks for sharing these resources.

Joanna BROWNING says:
2015-04-02 13:02:16

Thank you!

Donna Miller says:
2015-03-31 17:27:59

Thank You

Rebecca Genberg says:
2015-03-26 05:40:44

Thank you for investing in our children!!

Mary Mays says:
2015-03-18 10:30:06

Thank you so much! We could never be able to pay full price.

Allen Dobbs says:
2015-03-17 09:52:55

Thank-You for sponsoring this program. God Bless You all.

Kathi Dunlap says:
2015-03-10 16:18:46

Thankthank you!

Stacy Dixon says:
2015-03-08 11:44:00

Thank you so much for you generosity and commitment to the next generation! We are grateful!!

Leslie Klett says:
2015-03-04 17:19:59

This is a wonderful opportunity. Thank you! I can't wait to get started!

Caroline Mechling says:
2015-02-21 10:23:37

Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!

Patti West says:
2015-02-05 20:02:26

I think this is a wonderful program. Thank you!

Sonya Edlund says:
2015-02-05 13:57:13

Thank you so much for making this available to my student!

Andrea Kroeker says:
2015-01-31 13:39:13

Thanks for providing this opportunity!

Christine Hottinger says:
2015-01-26 16:19:18

Thanks a lot! Our family deeply appreciates your generosity.

Constance Bryant says:
2015-01-22 06:01:11

May you be blessed because of your willingness to bless others. Thank you so much.

Tammy Feil says:
2015-01-20 08:00:58

Thank you so much. We couldn't have done it without your generous help!

Cathy Cary says:
2015-01-15 22:11:05

Thank you so much!! I know this is going to help me!

Melissa Brumbaugh says:
2015-01-14 08:41:20

Thank You!!!

Heidi Zalusky says:
2015-01-13 11:32:47

Thank you for your generosity!!

Nikki Brown says:
2015-01-12 19:32:23

Thank you so much for your generosity. We truly appreciate it!

Laura Martorana says:
2015-01-12 14:43:46

Thank you for this blessing! My child is preparing for a college and a medical degree. This is so helpful!

Lisa Tuck says:
2015-01-12 10:03:54

Thank you so much for your support. I have a 15 year old son that wants to play college baseball. SAT scores are important to his success for college acceptance. Thank you for helping to provide him the resources to him achieve his goal. Who knows, maybe one day he will make it to the MLB and then he can partner with this same program!

Molly Loup says:
2014-12-16 12:41:37

Thank you for your generous gift to those kids who wouldn't otherwise be able to afford it.

David Roberts says:
2014-11-17 10:43:27

Thank you for giving my kids this opportunity to excel!

Angie Hibbard says:
2014-10-15 09:25:53

Thank you so much for allowing me to get these study materials for my son to use to get ready for the ACT. Our family is truly blessed by your sponsorship.

Brenda Ford says:
2014-10-12 20:40:13

Thank you so much for your generosity in offering this! Your gift will help so many achieve their goals!

Dana Phillips says:
2014-10-06 20:16:31

Thank you so much for your support for my children's education!!

Scott Mueller says:
2014-10-05 15:45:03

AJ Hawk, Corey Williams GO PACKERS!!! Thanks for supporting this program and helping my bro on his way to becoming a surgeon.

Micah Loftin says:
2014-09-30 20:42:51

Thank you so much!

Margaret Doty says:
2014-09-25 11:23:58

Thank you for your generousity.

Deborah Smith says:
2014-09-22 10:23:21

Thank you for making this material available to students. Materials that would have been out of reach are now available to ALL students. This is truly a blessing to have this resource available.

Inez Feder says:
2014-09-15 10:39:14

Thanks for the sponsorship! I am confident the project will enable my daughter to improve her ACT test score.

Susan Soltis says:
2014-09-10 17:56:27

Thank you so much for your help in preparing my son for his SAT/ACT exams! We couldn't have afforded these programs without your generous help. I wish I'd known about this project when my daughter graduated a couple of years ago.

Drenda Brown says:
2014-09-08 16:57:39

Thanks for your donations - hope it helps our scores!

Sofia Peterson says:
2014-09-05 17:19:38

Thank you! This is a very worthwhile investment to help our youths. :-)

Jane Melnyk says:
2014-09-05 04:34:13

Thank you! Your program will help my son with his college dreams.

Paula Cress says:
2014-09-02 12:53:47

Thank you!!

Carol Powers says:
2014-08-29 08:17:42

Thank you so much!!

Julie Aronson says:
2014-08-28 16:12:39

So excited to try the SAT prep program out for my daughter. Thank you for making it affordable!!!

D Ripley says:
2014-08-22 09:23:56

Thanks for sponsoring the eKnowledge SAT/ACT project.

Renae Cummings says:
2014-08-14 10:11:55

Thank you so much for supporting homeschoolers.

Beth Green says:
2014-08-08 17:55:54

Thank you so much for your generosity. I hope it pays off in my final score!

Robert Rue says:
2014-07-22 21:24:40

We appreciate the help. Our son has figured out what he's called to do and this will speed him on his way.

Kelly Mamott says:
2014-07-08 12:27:10

Thank-you for your support of the Home schooling community. This program will be a great help to my son as he prepares for the SAT and college exams

Tammy Pfaff says:
2014-06-23 09:15:33

Thank you so much for blessing my child with the opportunity to study for these tests. We are unable to afford such an opportunity. This is truly a blessing.

Cynthia Sallard says:
2014-06-20 13:32:54

Although I have not used the product yet, I am in the midst of ordering, I want to thank those who have sponsored this wonderful opportunity. It really is a blessing on so many levels. Sincerely, Cynthia Sallard

Denise Williams says:
2014-06-19 06:27:20

Thank you so much for helping with our kid's future education. It will be a very worthwhile investment.

Jonathan Goodwin says:
2014-06-16 08:36:00

Thank you for your generosity in making this program affordable for our family!

Tawni El-Talabani says:
2014-06-11 12:43:04

We are so very thankful to you for your generous support. This would not be possible for us otherwise. We so appreciate you thinking of this project and us.

Jody Atchison says:
2014-06-09 12:07:46

Thank you so much for investing into my daughter. I am thankful for you, and believe that she will have a great chance to succeed on her ACT now. J. Atchison

Lisa Olshove says:
2014-06-08 22:25:37


Alexandra David says:
2014-06-07 16:29:39

Thank you for giving our kids a reasonable chance to College.

Sharon Shirley says:
2014-06-06 06:50:54

Thank you! :)

Nancy Battiste says:
2014-06-05 17:36:31

Very thankful! Can't wait for my daughter to get started=)

Claudette Pendleton says:
2014-06-04 13:38:54

I think you did great! This is wonderful and many of us, parents,truly appreciate your efforts!

Rochelle Kissack says:
2014-06-04 12:50:12

Thank you for investing in the future leadership of America through your support of eKnowledge!

Dawn Morrison says:
2014-06-04 09:32:21

Thank you so much for sponsoring the SAT project! What a blessing!

Shanna Mathia says:
2014-06-04 08:16:35

Thank you for your generosity!

Lisa Costa says:
2014-06-04 06:53:17

Thank you!!!!!!!!

Robert Gray says:
2014-05-30 05:20:09

Thanks so much!

Kay Chang says:
2014-05-07 10:26:19

Thank you very much for your generous help! I wouldn't have ordered otherwise.

Angela Dittman says:
2014-04-29 10:44:53

Great program

Sherry Withrow says:
2014-04-28 18:44:21

Thank you so much!!!

Michelle Hadfield says:
2014-04-03 06:55:29

Thank you so much for your willingness to contribute these resources!

Heather Martin says:
2014-03-25 05:34:24

Great! Thank you so much for the support!

Judith Dutton says:
2014-03-12 07:11:13

Thank you for your generosity.

Elizabeth Henderson says:
2014-02-26 13:16:37

Thank you so very much for your generous support for our high schoolers! God bless you all!

Sara Pileggi says:
2014-02-26 06:16:44

Thank you for your generosity!

Christi McCook-Babaz says:
2014-02-19 09:27:21

Thanks so much for this incredible program and savings!

LoAnn Horst says:
2014-02-17 09:53:39

Thank you for helping families improve the education of our future generation. It's appreciated!

Denise Cassano says:
2014-02-13 21:23:07

Thank you. I hope it really helps!

Karen Bredthauer says:
2014-02-06 10:29:19

Thanks for making this available to us.

Gina Gyetvai says:
2014-01-26 18:33:33

Thank you for this opportunity!

Chantelle Frazier says:
2014-01-11 10:34:57

Thank you!!!

Elizabeth OMalley says:
2014-01-09 18:26:36

thanks for your support of Home School

Traci Torgerson says:
2014-01-08 09:50:18

Awesome program, thank you so very much!

Shelly Cox says:
2014-01-01 22:30:37

Thank you so much! Your generosity is enabling us to afford quality SAT prep materials for our twin boys. Many thanks, Shelly Cox

Marlene Jarvis says:
2013-12-27 11:37:58

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity for my daughters.

Mary Johnston says:
2013-11-23 17:20:05

Thank you for the opportunity to help my daughter in her quest for higher education.

Michelle Lyons says:
2013-11-19 23:29:51

Thank you so much! We were hoping for a prep course for our son to use and never imagined to be sponsored. We are a military family and we thank you!

Jane Hungness says:
2013-11-11 20:26:17

Thank you for providing this resource for our daughter. We are a low income family with 5 kids and we would not have been able to afford any other type of ACT prep for her. We are very grateful!!!

Nancy Ludlow says:
2013-11-06 09:55:01

This is a wonderful sponshorship program - everything was easy to navigate through and we appreciate it very much!! Thanks!!

kathleen smith says:
2013-11-06 06:09:47

Thank you for helping parents aid their students' succeed by having a prep program for the SAT's. Getting into college is hard enough and these tests are as well. Thank you for giving the students a study tool. It really helps. Your kindness and generosity is much appreciated!. Mrs Smith

Raymond Fournier says:
2013-11-04 11:51:46

Thank you very much for such a powerful resource. I can't wait to test it out.

Gwenda Hooker says:
2013-10-22 06:25:05


Shari Tyson says:
2013-10-21 11:17:25

Bless you all!

Scarlett Shadle says:
2013-10-17 07:50:11


Anne Sefton says:
2013-10-11 05:12:09

Great job

Sue Enervold says:
2013-10-10 07:36:12

Thanks SO much for this opportunity to prepare my daughter for the SAT exam! As a homeschooling family, this discount is a tremendous blessing to us- thank you!!! :-)

Cindy Turner says:
2013-10-08 12:44:32

Thank you so much for sponsoring a great program!

JENNIFER Boos says:
2013-10-02 16:47:49

I am excited about this opportunity for my children to perform better on the college entrance exams. Thank you for your generosity!!!!God bless you.

Paul Brendemuhl says:
2013-10-02 00:27:14

Thank You

Kathleen Gordon says:
2013-10-01 15:50:16

Thank you so much

Margaret Williamson says:
2013-09-30 19:21:23

Thank you so much for your support!

Alice Mockensturm says:
2013-09-30 09:30:07

Thanks so much! This helps us so much!

Kelley Burke says:
2013-09-26 09:27:55

Thank you so much!

Roseanne Miesse says:
2013-09-25 10:58:01

Thank you very much!

Andy Hart says:
2013-09-23 11:12:51

thank you

Amie White says:
2013-09-21 15:08:26

Thank you so much for making this program possible for our kids to prepare for their college entrance exams. It is a great blessing!

Brent Leichty says:
2013-09-20 08:25:45

Thank you for making this resource available to us!

Pam Burris says:
2013-09-18 12:29:26

Thank you for blessing our family with this wonderful gift. We deeply appreciate your generosity.

Michelle Lasch says:
2013-09-18 10:18:03

This is wonderful. Thanks so much! I look forward to getting my daughters started on this!

Nancy Sommerfeld says:
2013-09-17 17:07:17

Thank you so much for sponsoring this very important program. My daughter will be using the program during her sophomore year to improve her skills and, hopefully, raise that very important ACT score. Our family appreciates your generosity very much!

Lori Margo says:
2013-09-15 14:13:27

This is an amazingly generous offer. Thank you so much!

Julia Bowling says:
2013-09-13 13:33:35

Thank you so much for this learning opportunity! With trying to "cash-flow" two kids through college, money for extras is tight. Hopefully, this opportunity will help our next daughter to improve her SAT scores!Thanks and God bless!

Amy Scheren says:
2013-09-12 10:35:29

Thanks so much for offering this! This may make a huge difference in the scholarships available to my son!

Marcia Burns says:
2013-09-11 18:40:24

This is Awesome, Thank You all so much for your Generosity!

karen murphy says:
2013-09-11 11:06:06

This seems like an excellent deal for me. I'm excited for my daughter to get started. Thank you!!!

Jody Stolp says:
2013-09-10 22:11:44

Wow, I am amazed and thankful for your sponsorship, and am very glad that now we can take advantage of this offer. I really hope it will help my daughter and son prepare for their SAT/ACT exams and hopefully get into the college of their choice! May the Lord bless you abundantly! Thank you.

Rose Lee says:
2013-09-10 13:09:14

Thanks! This will be a great resource to prepare for the ACT!Blessings to you!Rose

Sharon Browatzke says:
2013-09-10 09:56:05

Thanks so much for making studying not only super cool from athletes, but smart for the future!

Mary Shackleford says:
2013-09-10 08:34:44

Thank you! We would never have been able to afford this otherwise. Looking forward to using this with my two students.

Valory Harrison says:
2013-09-09 17:11:09

Thank you and Gob bless you for your generosity and for your passion to help our next generation be successful.

Nancy McIntire says:
2013-09-09 12:02:27

Thank you so much for your amazing generosity and making a difference in our lives!

Melinda Barrick says:
2013-09-09 10:38:58

Thank you for providing this wonderful study tool!

Patricia Wesolowski says:
2013-09-08 17:58:45

Thanks so much for doing this! Hopefully my two high school children will do great on the test after using this help!

Lisa Grant says:
2013-09-08 09:46:08

You did great! Hope I can....

Christina Jones says:
2013-09-07 20:22:06

Thank you!!!

Karla Birdsong says:
2013-09-06 11:54:37

Thank you so much! This will give my daughter the ability to increase her score on the ACT and get into the college of her desire!

Beverly Deering says:
2013-09-06 06:53:18

Thank you SO much for giving my children this opportunity we otherwise could not afford. You are helping make their future brighter!

Sylvie Keller says:
2013-09-05 07:18:40

Thank you for this opportunity for my children.

Cindy Fellows says:
2013-09-04 19:37:48

So grateful for your generosity.Blessings,Cindy

michael dawdy says:
2013-09-04 16:02:47

Thanks so much for your generosity!

Katherine ielmini says:
2013-09-04 11:39:18

Great ordering process. Information was easy to find and understand. What a wonderful opportunity - we are extremely grateful to all those who have donated to this program. With your assistance, doors will be opened for many high school students. Thank you.

Susan Brizek says:
2013-09-04 10:06:58

I am so pleased to be able to purchase an SAT/ACT prep course at a dramatically discounted price to help my children prepare for these important tests. Without this very generous sponsorship, we would not be able to afford this fabulous program. Thanks again for your generosity!

Shelli Owen says:
2013-09-04 08:54:17

Thank You! May God bless you!

Ashlyn McNaughton says:
2013-09-03 17:45:41

Thanks for the chance to increase my SAT scores!!

Vielka Valdez says:
2013-09-03 14:05:35

Thanks for your generosity in sharing skills and knowledge with our teens!

Benjamin Blackwell says:
2013-09-03 11:21:23

Please send the NFL players for sponsoring this great program to give students the extra help and edge needed to improve their education!

Lisa San Jose says:
2013-09-03 09:09:14

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Sheila Wetherington says:
2013-09-03 08:26:55

Thanks for helping out with the future! These kids need all our support.

Elizabeth Mann says:
2013-09-03 05:30:23

Thank you so much for making this possible! We appreciate your generosity!

Tryan Jermin says:
2013-09-02 21:35:37

Thank you very much! You have been a blessing to my family and we are grateful!

Beth Lyons says:
2013-09-02 18:22:01

Thank you SO much for your kindness!!!!!! : )

Penny Galamba says:
2013-09-02 16:30:14

I am so very thankful for this gift. Please tell the NFL players thank you. Mr. Corey Williams

Susan Siniscal says:
2013-09-02 12:39:23

Thank you so much!

Rosanne Mullen says:
2013-09-02 09:28:00

Thank you for your generosity!

Tracy Foster says:
2013-09-02 08:33:51

Thank you so much for this opportunity. I would have never known about this option if a friend had not passed it on to me.

Stephen Pepper says:
2013-09-02 07:27:08

I think that this program is wonderful! It makes preparing for these important tests affordable for everyone that needs it.

Thomas Gillman says:
2013-09-01 21:16:50

Thank you for your support and help! We appreciate it very much!

Melissa Sahlstrom says:
2013-09-01 20:56:22

thank you so much

Robin Radtke says:
2013-09-01 15:59:10


Cheryl Dowd says:
2013-09-01 13:51:14

Thank you!

Heidi Buck says:
2013-09-01 10:58:50

This is awesome!

Nurys Nunns says:
2013-09-01 09:51:47

Thank you for your effort and support!You have blessed us so much! :)

Zane Gaston says:
2013-09-01 07:54:54

Thank you SO much! As a homeschool mom with gifted kids who are in the Duke TIP program, your very generous support allows me to provide my children with the very BEST opportunities for testing success. I am truly grateful...God bless you all! ~Meg, homeschool mom to 3

Ashley Mason says:
2013-09-01 06:56:56

Thank you so much for this generous opportunity to advance the education and success of my children. God bless you in your efforts to touch others as you continue your success.

Mary Cincotta says:
2013-08-31 21:08:40

Thanks you so much for your generosity. Using your gifts to bless our young people is a great testimony to what can be done when people who have been given much give back to help others be successful.Bless you!Mary, a mom of eight

Melissa Hindman says:
2013-08-31 17:47:39

Thank you for your generosity!

Christine Bowers says:
2013-08-31 12:42:24

Thank you for this opportunity! I have a homeschooled athlete

Lisa Hollard says:
2013-08-31 11:30:41

I appreciate the sponsorship because we would not be able to afford anything like this otherwise. Thank you.

Tamara Steinhausler says:
2013-08-31 10:56:15

Wow! Thank you very much for your generosity in helping our kids achieve the scores they need to continue their education.

Paula Herbstreit says:
2013-08-31 08:30:10

A great appreciation. God Bless you all.

gloria sullivan says:
2013-08-31 07:32:36

Thank you so much. With five homeschoolers these costs really add up.

Diane Brown says:
2013-08-31 05:58:54

Thank you so much for sponsoring this test prep offer. I have two children whose national merit scholarships, combined with scholarships from their ACT scores are attending college with very little tuition cost. Thank you for helping me prepare my third child!

Ann Muller says:
2013-08-31 04:49:51

Thanks! The students in our home school coop will all benefit.

Brandy Wilkie says:
2013-08-30 19:30:22

Thank you so very much!

Stacey Conlogue says:
2013-08-30 18:16:56

Thank you so very much for your sponsorship of the eKnowledge SAT/ACT project. I am hopeful it will help my children prepare for their SAT/ACT tests.

Starr Brautigam says:
2013-08-30 18:01:47

Thank you so much. This is most generous and I look forward to trying this out in my own family.

Rhonda Evans says:
2013-08-27 11:33:48

Thank you for sponsoring this program!

Diana Sanders says:
2013-08-13 19:53:30

Thank you! We have a tutoring program at our church that reaches out to the most disadvantaged in the city. I will be sharing this program with the leaders. God bless you all!

Jane Smith says:
2013-08-09 14:14:55

Thank you for offering this generous sponsorship. My family appreciates your willingness to help our sons do their best.

Jeffrey Baker says:
2013-07-31 11:12:26


Muri Causey says:
2013-07-20 13:18:03

Thank you!! What a blessing to purchase such an amazing program for a financially struggling family!!! God bless you all!

Vielka Valdez says:
2013-07-15 18:21:52

This is a great resource that I don't think many in the home school circle know about. It's great that this program is being sponsored and parents get a chance to afford an ACT prep program, which usually carries a hefty price tag. Thank you!

Donna Witcher says:
2013-06-24 20:51:01

Our family would like to send our sincere thanks for this wonderful gift. We are grateful that our son will be prepared for the big test day! Thank you, The Witcher Family

Christina Callahan says:
2013-06-05 06:25:01

Thank you and may God bless you!

Cara Shelton says:
2013-05-03 10:26:12

Thank you SO much - I would never have been able to afford prep for the SAT/ACT without this program. You are making a difference for me, for my future, and my parents and I are very grateful! Thank you.

Susan Wolf says:
2013-02-27 22:54:36

Thanks for helping young men and women do well on the ACT, thus giving them a better chance of earning at higher education and being a more productive citizen.

Suzette Amos says:
2013-01-24 10:57:36

Thank you so much for making this prep program available to us. As a single-income family, this program is SUCH a blessing!

Victoria Poehner says:
2013-01-03 17:41:56

This is a wonderful opportunity for our daughter to prepare herself for the SAT in the Fall.Thank you for the sponsorship program!

Noelle Lamb says:
2012-11-21 11:10:33

Great! Thank you!!!

Kim Burdett says:
2012-10-05 08:54:33

Thank you, players! We will let you know how great our student does on the SAT later!

Jill Shelton says:
2012-09-30 10:39:41

Just wanted to say thank you from a family of 7. You are a making a difference in the lives of many! Jill Shelton

Donna Ulmer says:
2012-09-14 06:53:43


Pat Kohl says:
2012-09-06 17:30:55

Thank you for this program, it would not be possible for us to do this without your sponsorship. The Barry Kohl Family

Neil J. Boss says:
2012-09-06 15:09:53

Thank you for this offer!

candace brosneck says:
2012-08-19 16:59:32

thank you for this great offer!

Lorraine Hernandez says:
2012-05-23 06:17:02

Thank you for a great opportunity!

C. D. Sanders says:
2012-05-06 20:21:53

Wow! What a blessing! THANKS

joy ruegsegger says:
2012-03-12 20:14:53

Thanks so much! Wow!

Colleen Lane-Norton says:
2012-02-23 11:03:35

I really can't thank you enough for these programs. The opportunity to receive these materials at such deep discounts are a real blessing.

Teri Dickinson says:
2012-02-22 09:19:11

Dear Mr. Williams, I greatly appreciate this gift to our classroom. Your partnership allowed me to select a program that will greatly benefit my students, yet would have been out of my reach financially. Thank you, for your generous contribution. We will make good use of this opportunity. Mrs. Dickinson

Steve F Geisser says:
2012-02-21 16:15:04

Thank you so much eKnowledge, NFL and our NCO of the year son. We home school and were so blessed that you have provided this opportunity for his brother to so affordably prep for his SAT. We are grateful for your commitment to our military families across this great nation.

D. Williamson says:
2012-01-25 09:03:24

We much appreciate this scholarship open to us. We would not have been able to afford it without it. I am looking forward to receiving your material. Thank you!

L Huskey says:
2012-01-16 12:46:45

Thank you.

Bob & Sandra McKaig says:
2012-01-11 07:56:07

Thank you very much for giving my children the chance to do well on the SAT and ACT exams. We hope to send them to college, and this gives them more choice in where they go. We use dial-up because we cannot afford $70+ connection fees, and have found some websites to be very dial-up friendly. Enhancing that aspect on this site would enable more like ourselves to navigate the site with ease :) Thank you again, Sandra McKaig

Dawn Gailey says:
2012-01-04 13:00:56

I just want to send a big thank you for allowing our family the opportunity to receive the ACT/SAT Power Prep. It will be such a blessing for our family.

Christine Wisniewski says:
2012-01-03 19:30:32

Thank you for this sponsorship. Hard enough for struggling families to give their kids a good education; then they are up against other kids whose parents can afford the $350. SAT class prep. Really tough. This levels the field of competition and helps kids from poorer family to get a shot at those scholarships and grants. Can change the future lives of many talented kids who need a chance! Thanks so much!!!

Sharon Lewis says:
2011-12-14 10:27:42

You have made this so affordable and we really appreciate it.

Stacey Mooney says:
2011-11-08 00:19:02

This is great! I liked the easy-to-use checkout also. I look forward to my daughter getting started with this as she prepares for the SAT. Thank you!!!

Christine Trank says:
2011-09-02 14:11:35

Thank you so much for all your help. We have just ordered the program and can't wait to get started. Sincerely, Chris Trank

Tammy Roy says:
2011-08-18 14:10:37

Everything was great, the promotion (SAT and ACT standard Power Prep free of charge) brought us to your website

Anne Bundschuh says:
2011-08-09 20:58:11

I am so very thankful for this opportunity! Thank you so very much for being willing to step up and help out this new generation! May you be blessed for your generosity! Sincerely, Anne Bundschuh

Joetta Witkowski says:
2011-06-29 13:15:40


Fabiola Hampton says:
2011-06-27 16:40:11

Excellent and worthwhile sponsorship!

Karen Warfle says:
2011-06-09 12:35:33

I'll know more after our daughter tries the program. Thank you for making this available at such a reasonable cost.

Vince Scalercio says:
2011-05-22 23:40:50

Thank you so very much. I don't know how we could do this without your support!! It's difficult and expensive to homeschool our children and this makes such a huge difference.

Tammy Mitchell says:
2011-05-19 09:15:04

Thank you, we really appreciate it alot. You have done a great job this year!

Angela Cramer says:
2011-05-15 09:46:10


Roxanne Neloms says:
2011-05-08 15:53:19

Withoutthis program I would not be able to help my daughter. Thank for the program!!!!

Mark Edwards says:
2011-05-01 22:16:06

Thank you so much for this program!

lori leal says:
2011-04-11 18:07:34

To whom it may concern, thank you for this terriffic opportunity in helping me further my education and success! : )

Edward Rodriguez says:
2011-04-11 01:24:09

Thanks so much to those whom sponsored my kids.

A Sabin says:
2011-03-11 12:56:26

I appreciate having access to a program like this. I think it needs to be made clear that the SAT Prep and ACT Prep programs are separate. Thank you.

Katherine Swain says:
2011-03-07 08:38:38

I haven't yet been able to find anything which explains what the 1-yr. licence is for, nor the price of the renewal.

Mary Beth Lehnert says:
2011-03-03 13:20:10

thank you soooooo much for your wililingness to support homeschooling and education at the foundational level...in the family where it all begins!!!!

Drucilla Hubbard says:
2011-03-02 12:24:51

I appreacite all the sponsors that help with the programs that HSLDA provide to homeschools and everybody else. Thanks

Julie Garner says:
2011-03-02 09:49:07

Thank you so much. This is a tremendous help.

Mary Kerwin says:
2011-03-01 21:55:30

Thank you! We look forward to trying this product. We appreciate thevery reasonable shipping charges. Thanks again!

Betsy French says:
2011-02-28 03:04:30

Thank you for sponsoring this offer to help kids achieve better results on their ACT and SAT Exams!

Beth Freed says:
2011-02-21 12:29:30


Ann Long says:
2011-02-18 07:45:33

Thank you so much for the chance to get this program for the reduced price! It will be a blessing!

Melissa Pearson says:
2011-02-16 14:15:35

Thank you so much. My daughter gets excellent grades but isn't do as well as we want on her SAT tests. We are planning to add this program into her school schedule for 20 minutes a day and are anxious to see the results on her next test. Thank you for the sponsorship as there is no way I could have provided her with this resource without it. May God richly bless you for your generosity to home schoolers. Blessings, Melissa Pearson (Ellis County, Texas). ;)

Diana Simony says:
2011-02-15 22:15:14

very nice:)

Kirk Clouse says:
2011-02-01 22:20:04

Easy order

Amy Bowles says:
2011-01-31 15:13:36

This was a fantastic gift--thank you so much!!

Sam Kurien says:
2011-01-28 21:53:54

Excellent Resource and a great Contribution. Keep up the good work.

Beth Naert says:
2011-01-24 19:07:41

I would like to thank you for the sponsorship! It is a great help to my homeschool kids and will help them to continue in their education.

Kathleen Brakensiek says:
2011-01-19 12:23:21


Melinda Fox says:
2011-01-17 23:30:20

Thank-you so much for offering this. We can't wait to receive the SAT to help with studying. Melinda

Kathleen Wohlschlegel says:
2011-01-05 13:56:09

Thank you so very much!! Can't wait to receive the Power Prep material.

Judy Etters says:
2011-01-04 19:19:50

Thank you for this program~

Lauri Staton says:
2010-12-21 18:09:14

Thank you for offering this!!!!

Brian Lucia says:
2010-11-17 11:39:26

Thanks for helping prepare my son for the college testing. The process went very well, and is much appreciated.

Christopher Duncan says:
2010-11-03 21:25:37

very smooth, don't change a thing.

Louise Jehnings says:
2010-10-05 19:19:04

Thank you so much...can't beat the price and the checkout was easy!!!

Ana Sipling says:
2010-10-01 10:54:27

Truly appreciate this discount for ACT prep material to help my son to take the ACT this next coming year. It has been a very hard financial time this year for us and we greatly appreciate this kind of help for our child's future. Thank you so much! God bless.

Luan Heimlich says:
2010-09-24 18:52:54

Thank you. Can't wait for my daughter to start using the program!

Carla Voss says:
2010-09-20 16:24:24

Thank you so much. My son is homeschooled and preparing for his ACT/SAT tests while his dad is deployed to Iraq and we are very greatful to have these available to him to use.

Dena Martinelli says:
2010-09-09 08:07:46

Thank you so much for this opportunity. I have 4 children and even the online prep at an inexpensive $70 adds up with 2 tests for each of the 4 kids. Now 2 of my children can prepare at the same time. Thank you!

karen Stock says:
2010-09-03 17:37:00

Am very grateful, we could not have afforded the $199.00. THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH!

Elizabeth Crawford says:
2010-09-01 12:37:25

Thanks SO much!

Jennifer McCauley says:
2010-08-31 13:36:07

Totally cool and very easy to do.

Laura Wickett says:
2010-08-22 16:09:50

Thank you NFL and HSLDA!!

Barbara White says:
2010-08-17 10:20:25

Thank you so much for your sponsorship!

Laura Fenn says:
2010-08-12 21:30:16

WE are very pleased to participate. This is a wonderful program. My daughter is a senior this year and has homeschooled for the past 4 years. Thank you for your help. Laura Fenn

Stephanie McClellan says:
2010-08-12 13:32:43

Thank you so much for providing us with this amazing opportunity to better prepare our son to take the SAT/ACT! Without NFL sponsorship, we would not have been able to provide this same package or experience. Thank you, again. Stephanie McClellan proud homeschooling parent of Evan McClellan (9th grade)

Kimberly Perkes says:
2010-08-05 09:45:11

What a great offer. Thank you, Kim

Sandra Aul says:
2010-07-29 22:36:59

Thank you for this great opportunity.

Sally Swain says:
2010-07-28 15:22:03

This was a wonderful experience! Many thanks for your partnership!!! A Satisfied Mom

Elyce Leines says:
2010-07-20 15:17:24

can't wait to see how it works for my son! He's starting high school in the fall and we are trying to get ready!

Michelle Kolzowski says:
2010-07-08 13:06:49

Thanks alot. Everything was great.

Kathie L Bernitt says:
2010-07-06 23:01:48

We'll let you know once we have used the materials and taken the tests. Thanks.

Jodi Peterson says:
2010-07-02 14:13:15

Great. Thank you for doing this!

Daniela Wilson says:
2010-06-14 10:52:14

Thank you so very much for offering this program. We appreciate greatly!! D. Wilson

Tanya Aldana says:
2010-06-11 03:10:37

thanks so much

Sandy Glasgow says:
2010-06-03 20:51:41

Thank you!

iulian ciuta says:
2010-05-31 02:33:28

thank you!

Conna Bond says:
2010-05-19 12:01:04

Can't tell you how much we appreciate the sponsorship! Truly an amazing gift that we very much needed! Thank you!

Pamela Gabbard says:
2010-05-18 13:54:14

Thank you for making this possible for our son.

Kim Kirschbaum says:
2010-05-15 17:22:58

You're helping many kids! Thank you!!!

Joan Girkins says:
2010-05-06 22:25:51

I found ordering this information extremely simple. Thank you for this wonderful service!

Terri Holmes says:
2010-05-03 10:53:26

I want to say "THANK YOU !!!!!!" This is a huge help with the costs of books for homeschooling to know that you are supporting our kids is wonderful. Again.....cannot thank you enought.

Christina Waldorff says:
2010-04-30 20:20:02

Thanks! We had no problem ordering and my daughter is looking forward to studying for the SAT. Sincerely, A Happy Mom

Monica Stryffeler says:
2010-04-28 11:25:18

Very excited to try the program... thank you so much!

Steve Marriott says:
2010-04-27 22:00:37

This sponsorship directly resulted in my purchase decision. Many thanks to Corey Williams and the other NFL contributors to this program!

michelle collis says:
2010-04-23 09:23:25

Thank you very much for this sponsorship. Every little bit helps with the expense of college and raising a family today. Much appreciated!!

Kristi Best says:
2010-04-21 08:03:07

Thank you

Catherine Smith says:
2010-04-19 18:07:55

I appreciate it -- Thank you.

Glenn Blair says:
2010-04-16 01:10:04

Not sure what the license is for......will there be extra monies billed for this? This sponsorship provides such a great opportunity....it is a blessing!

Christine Rhodes says:
2010-04-07 11:05:31

Thank you so much for caring about the future of our children! Your help is so appreciated.

Debra Short says:
2010-04-06 16:48:40

This will help my son who really wants to do well on the SAT. He wants to be a writer and impact his world. Thank you, Tired Homeschool Mom

Chris Ervin says:
2010-03-31 01:18:01

Thanks for sponsoring this. We look forward to using and I know it will be beneficial.

Melanie Morris says:
2010-03-26 19:32:18

Thanks so much.

Janna Burch says:
2010-03-26 12:35:37

Thank you for the wonderful service! I appreciate the partnership with HSLDA to provide this tool for a nominal fee for us.

Melinda Scharnhorst says:
2010-03-23 12:06:15

Thank you SO much for your sponsorship!!! Go Patriots!

Shiloh Rojas says:
2010-03-19 18:50:39

I really appreciate being able to receive this sort of program to help my daughter prepare for her SAT/ACT tests.

Kathy Gall says:
2010-03-18 18:10:46

Thank you for making SAT prep materials so affordable to home schooling families!

2010-03-17 21:42:14


JoEllen Williams says:
2010-03-12 15:57:54

The process was easy and clear to understand.

julie yarnelle says:
2010-03-09 04:39:21

Wonderful! Thank you

Stephanie Reynolds says:
2010-03-08 21:13:12

I enjoyed everything about this process. As a military family, and a homeschooling family (HSLDA), I greatly appreciate the NFL and others for their generosity.

Debra Jones says:
2010-03-03 16:15:04

I called the support line and she was very helpful. Thank you for this product!

Laurie Lawrence says:
2010-03-02 16:50:44


Cathy Olewiler says:
2010-02-25 22:56:07


J Michelle Stout says:
2010-02-22 15:11:59

Thanks you so much for making this great oppertunity available to my daughter. I'm sure this program will help her attain her goal of becoming a missionary doctor to Africa.

Suzanne Thompson says:
2010-02-19 14:40:49

Thanks so much!

Jill Scott says:
2010-02-17 10:22:00

I'm very excited to see how the program works and hope that it is as effective as the one offered at collegeboard.com My son needs to increase his score by 50-80 pts. to increase his scholarship award and hope that this program prepares him to do so. I greatly appreciate the NFL's sponsorship and the sponsorship of your partners. Thank you so much for supporting the educational future of our children.

Bethanne Puckett says:
2010-02-11 21:46:33

So glad I could renew the SAT Prep. Thanks! Bethanne Puckett

Scott Peace says:
2010-02-11 09:44:25

Thank you for this great tool!

Beverly Tellifero says:
2010-02-08 13:01:38

Thank you! GEAUX SAINTS!

Ann Flinn says:
2010-02-05 12:33:51

This is an incredible offer. Thank you!

Gary Kniseley says:
2010-02-04 16:07:33

Thank you!

Denise Wickline says:
2010-01-29 15:23:25

Incredible opportunity that this partnership has provided! Thank you!

Becky Davis says:
2010-01-26 11:13:29

No problems with order, thanks to all for the this valuable program. Becky Davis

Crystal Cobb says:
2010-01-21 00:25:29

Thank you so much!!

sharon carlton says:
2010-01-18 15:07:20

You have very helpful and courteous phone assistance! Thank you! s.carlton

Kim McKenney says:
2010-01-13 02:00:29

Thank you so much for your sponsorship. WE really appreciate it! It is truly an unexpected blessing!

Cyndi Baggett says:
2010-01-12 15:05:02


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